Fine Art Prints

Browse my collection of Fine Art poster prints.


(During term time - we break for school holidays)

Artist/illustrator Jenny Tarr will lead these relaxed weekly sessions, taking you through different drawing exercises to loosen up and learn to see. You will trial different media to discover new methods that work for you, and learn how to use a sketchbook to test and experiment. No matter your drawing ability, this club is for everyone. So come along, enjoy a coffee, have a chat, and learn how YOU draw!

walk DRAW

A sketchbook walk on Hengistbury Head (for everyone – all skill levels welcome, from idle doodler to profession artist too)

Start: 9am meet outside The Hiker (the outward walk will include 3 timed sketch exercises)

10.30am: Coffee stop at the Beach House (the return walk will include 4 timed sketches)

12.30-1pm: Return to The Hiker

Join me, artist/illustrator Jenny Tarr, for the morning and learn how to slow down, get out in nature, and make some marks on the page.

- create rapid sketches

- develop a visual diary

- take notes of the landscape